dinsdag 4 februari 2014

Weekend to Flanders

Today it's Fleur's 16 B-day!!! I had to mention it. Mine is still far, far away. Anyways, two weekends ago I went with the youth orchestra I play in on a weekend. 

We went to Belgium just across the border in a really small town called Boekhoute. We stayed in the castle which was kind off in the middle of the little village. We went there directly after school on Friday and stayed there until Sunday after we gave our parent a little concert. The weekend is to get to know each other better and of coarse to practice more. And that we did! We practiced I think like 12 hours in only two times 24 hours and that while most of us only slept like 10 hours in, again, two days. I think such a weekend is always good for team spirit. 

The first night some of us just sat together talking and singing which most of us are terrible at, including me. The second night we played a game with almost the entire orchestra, called werewolves. A game about not trusting each other because there are werewolves who kill civilians at night. You have to find out who the werewolves are? It was really nice to play and I even got matched with my crush.

Time for ordinary homework (for school) there was no so the following Monday I was sent to the principal and had to explain why I hadn't made my homework.

That was bothersome but worth it!       

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