dinsdag 10 juni 2014

story of my family-WWII

(History Assignment)

My great-grandfather an great-grandmother have very consciously experienced the war and also played a role in it. This role I will tell you on the basis of stories from my grandmother and her brother. My grandmother was born in the war, and her brother three years earlier. So both have not consciously experienced the war because they were little. However, it has played a role in their lives especially with regard to their parents. Their story I'm going to tell you now:

At the time that Rotterdam was likely to get bombed my great grandfather was there to supply  all the Dutch soldiers. He got shot in his arm by German soldiers and had to go to the hospital in Rotterdam. While waiting for his operation the hospital got bombed. He fled outside in total chaos. Wounded and dirty he got picked up and was taken care of by the red cross. There, he got operated. 60 Years later it appeared that he had a little stone from the bombing of Rotterdam in the flesh of his hand.

Not long after surgery he got captured by the Germans and was with a stop in a Dutch camp transported to Stuttgart where he was held prisoner. There he had to do workings like repairing water pipes and other things for the German. Around the end of 1944 he came back to the Netherlands (don't know how and why at that time) by bike but he couldn't go back to his family because that part of the Netherlands wasn't yet liberated. He waited with his mom till the end of the war and went as soon as possible towards home.
My grandma remembers them being incredibly happy all family reunited and getting chocolate and candy from Canadian soldiers

1 opmerking:

  1. Nice story....maybe you can tell it to your children some day....overall ok with some minor erros in wordorder...
